Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

RRMS PTSA Strawberry Fundraiser

It’s time for our annual Wish Farms Strawberry Fundraiser!

Help RRMS PTSA raise funds for technology and student incentives by purchasing delicious strawberries fresh from Wish Farms in Plant City! It’s a win-win! Each five-pound flat of strawberries is just $22.

Here’s how to order:

1. Use this link to fill out your contact information and the number of flats you would like to order:

*If ordering for friends and family, collect all orders and just fill out the form once with the total number!

2. Pay for your strawberries using this link: Givebacks (

3. Orders are due January 30th. Strawberries will be delivered to River Ridge sometime in February. We will notify you when we have an exact date!

Please be sure to follow all steps to ensure your order is properly received! If you will be collecting orders from friends and family, feel free to use the attached form for your convenience. Just remember to fill out the form using the link above to submit your total order!

As always, thank you for supporting RRMS PTSA!