Welcome to the River Ridge Middle School PTSA! 

24-25 Executive Board

President: Lindsay Hloska
VP: Erin Mills, Jennifer Baginski (Volunteers)

Treasurer: Mona Lisa Synder
Secretary: Jen Ferraz

Contact us: riverridgemsptsa@gmail.com

General Meetings

Location: RRMS Media Center  at 6:30PM – Check the school calendar.


You can click the link below to update your membership online. 

Parents/Community Members $10

Teachers/Students $5


Sign up to be a volunteer.

If you haven’t already done so please fill out the volunteer application by using the link below in order to become an approved volunteer.


Follow us on Facebook.

If you are on Facebook and haven’t liked our page please take the time to do so by using the link below.  It is a great way to stay updated! 
