Welcome to RRMS Student Services
Office Hours 7:00AM – 3:00PM
Student Registration Hours:
Monday – Friday 7:30AM and 9:30AM
Please complete the Pasco County Schools online enrollment form. Once you have completed all the information, we will contact you to schedule an appointment with a school counselor.
ESE/Student Services 727-774-7239
FAX number 727-774-7395
Click here to begin the Registration process in myStudent: https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/
Directions on how to Register Online
Parent Teacher Conference Requests:
If you are interested in a making an appointment for a parent-teacher conference, please click on the link. Parent-teacher conference days are Mondays, Tuesdays, select-Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

RRMS School Counselors: Ms. Alston (6th Grade), Mrs. Stanton (7th Grade – Student Services Lead), and Mrs. Doerrfeld (8th Grade)
Class of 2031 6th Grade Counselor
Class of 2030 7th Grade Counselor
Class of 2029 8th Grade Counselor
Transportation Letter
Duke Tip Website
Registration Procedures
Parent’s Guide to Smart Phone Safety
New Registration Powerpoint
Introductory School Welcome Video
Safer Smarter Teens Parent Letter
Safer Smarter Teens Parent Letter Spanish
Personal Power Parent Letter 1: Self Esteem and Personal Power
Personal Power Parent Letter 2: Fitting In and Acceptance
Personal Power Parent Letter 3: Grooming and Boundaries
Personal Power Parent Letter 4: A.C.T. – Abuse, Disclosure & Getting Help
Personal Power Parent Letter 5: Isolation: Staying Safe in the Virtual World
Personal Power Parent Letter 6: S.A.F.E. – It’s OK to Tell
Additional Resources & Information
- Under the section “Planner”, keep an eye out for any updates and possible tasks to complete.
- Under “Careers”, explore more careers of interest, learn more about possible interests and watch videos that pertain to those careers.
- Work on this from home so if you find you still need to complete a task or if you want to follow through and explore more, you can do that at home as well.
- There’s a “Scope & Sequence” section that aligns with Middle School to make sure you correct components to go on to High School.
- Reach out to your School Counselor if you have further question or need more information!
Maria Costlow, School Social Worker
Email: mcostlow@pasco.k12.fl.us
Kylie Owens, School Social Worker (SBP Program)
Email: kowens@pasco.k12.fl.us
Lynn Newman, Social Worker (SDI)
Email: lnewman@pasco.k12.fl.us
Hayleigh Theisen, School Nurse
Email: htheisen@pasco.k12.fl.us
Heather Goldstein, Student Support Specialist
Email: hgoldste@pasco.k12.fl.us
Dennisse Carrion, School Psychologist
Email: dcarrion@pasco.k12.fl.us