Welcome to RRMS Student Services

Office Hours 7:00AM – 3:00PM

Student Registration Hours:

Monday – Friday  7:30AM and  9:30AM

Please complete the Pasco County Schools online enrollment form. Once you have completed all the information, we will contact you to schedule an appointment with a school counselor.

ESE/Student Services  727-774-7239

FAX number 727-774-7395

Click here to begin the Registration process in myStudent: https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/ 

Directions on how to Register Online

Parent Teacher Conference Requests:

If you are interested in a making an appointment for a parent-teacher conference, please click on the link. Parent-teacher conference days are Mondays, Tuesdays, select-Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

RRMS School Counselors: Ms. Alston (6th Grade), Mrs. Stanton (7th Grade – Student Services Lead), and Mrs. Doerrfeld (8th Grade)


Class of 2031 6th Grade Counselor

Meredith Alston


Email: malston@pasco.k12.fl.us

Class of 2030 7th Grade Counselor

Monica Stanton


Email: mostanto@pasco.k12.fl.us

Class of 2029 8th Grade Counselor

Denise Doerrfeld


Email: ddoerrfe@pasco.k12.fl.us



Safer Smarter Teens Parent Letter
Safer Smarter Teens Parent Letter Spanish

Personal Power Parent Letter 1: Self Esteem and Personal Power

Personal Power Parent Letter 2: Fitting In and Acceptance

Personal Power Parent Letter 3: Grooming and Boundaries

Personal Power Parent Letter 4: A.C.T. – Abuse, Disclosure & Getting Help

Personal Power Parent Letter 5: Isolation: Staying Safe in the Virtual World

Personal Power Parent Letter 6: S.A.F.E. – It’s OK to Tell




Additional Resources & Information

  • Under the section “Planner”, keep an eye out for any updates and possible tasks to complete.
  • Under “Careers”, explore more careers of interest, learn more about possible interests and watch videos that pertain to those careers.
  • Work on this from home so if you find you still need to complete a task or if you want to follow through and explore more, you can do that at home as well.
  • There’s a “Scope & Sequence” section that aligns with Middle School to make sure you correct components to go on to High School.
  • Reach out to your School Counselor if you have further question or need more information!



Maria Costlow, School Social Worker


Email: mcostlow@pasco.k12.fl.us

ABC Application

Attendance Matters

Kylie Owens, School Social Worker (SBP Program)


Email: kowens@pasco.k12.fl.us

Lynn Newman, Social Worker (SDI)


Email: lnewman@pasco.k12.fl.us

Hayleigh Theisen, School Nurse


Email: htheisen@pasco.k12.fl.us

Heather Goldstein, Student Support Specialist


Email: hgoldste@pasco.k12.fl.us

Dennisse Carrion, School Psychologist


Email: dcarrion@pasco.k12.fl.us