
RRMS Clinic

School Nurse: Hayleigh Theisen

Clinic Assistant: Joanie Noe

Medication for Students

We would like to remind students and parents that students cannot carry any kind of medication on campus, including over the counter medicine. It is a violation of the Code of Conduct. Please take all medications to our School Clinic.

Parent/Guardian Forms for Administering Medication On Campus

Parent Medication Authorization Letter and Form

Anaphylaxis MMP

Asthma MMP

Inhaler Self Carry Form

Diabetes MMP

FNS Dietary Restriction Request Form

Seizure MMP

7th Grade Immunization Information (Required)

All students going into 7th Grade must have a Tdap shot before they can start school in August. Emails were sent through myStudent for those incoming 7th grade students who DO NOT have a Tdap immunization on file.
If your child has already received the Tdap booster, you may turn in your student’s shot record to the clinic or front office at any time or be sure to bring the updated shot record with you to registration day in August. If your student still needs the Tdap booster, make plans to get the shot now, or over the summer, and bring the shot record to registration day. You can also email the copy to Adrienne Zampella to be entered at It is also a good idea to keep a copy in your records.
Please note, the Tdap shot is different from the Td shot. If your child receives the Td shot, that is not in compliance with Florida immunization requirements and they will need to receive the Tdap shot as well before beginning school.
If we do not have this information on file, and you do not bring it to the school on registration day in August, your student will not be allowed to receive their schedule. They will also not be allowed to start school until their updated shot record is on file. Any days missed due to lack of immunization will be considered an unexcused absence. Please remember, these immunizations are not just a good idea – they are required by Florida law.
If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Hayleigh Theisen

TDAP Immunization 7th Grade Information

Healthy Student Program

Dear Parent:

Your child is eligible for enrollment in the Healthy Student Program, available only at selected   schools (only administered by clinic assistant or school nurse) in the District where there are extended nursing services. Healthy Student Program services are offered at no direct cost to you and all students are eligible, regardless of insurance.

The main purpose of the Healthy Student Program is to improve school attendance and to reduce health problems that occur during the school day.  A student may be withdrawn from the Healthy Student Program at any time by the parent or the school health services staff with written notice.

The Healthy Student program is the commitment of the Pasco County School District, and is intended as an effort to help students remain in school, ready to learn. Services available to students enrolled in the Healthy Student Program may include:

  • Management of acute illness or injury and the administration of limited medications, following physician guidelines and protocols (i.e. ibuprofen, Tylenol, Motrin, Robitussin, Tums, and antifungal ointment, Benadryl, hydrocortisone, etc.).
  • Observation and follow up re: communicable diseases (e. pink eye, ringworm, etc.).
  • A health professional will communicate with you about your child’s particular health findings that may require an evaluation, follow up or referral.
  • Physical Examinations (ARNP services) for school entry, sports, etc. may be available at limited school sites.
  • Lab screenings (hematocrit/hemoglobin, anemia, blood glucose, urinalysis, and pregnancy testing) may be available at limited school sites.

Please inform the school nurse of any newly diagnosed health conditions for your child or changes in health status during the school year.

The primary goal of school health services is to support academic success by maintaining the physical and mental well being of your child.


Healthy Student Application – Submit to the Clinic or Front Office.


  • Please complete the application for Healthy Student Program Membership
  • Be sure to complete “Student Medical History” section
  • Parent signature is required below the “Enrollment Statement”
  • Return completed form to the school clinic assistant or school nurse


All medical information remains confidential between you and the health services provider.  Records are stored and maintained within the Health Office and are shared with no one as per HIPAA compliance. The Medical Director of the Pasco County Health Department provides oversight for this program.