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Greetings, Dear Students,

Happy Summer Days! Have you begun your “To Do” list yet? Beat a game? Texted a friend? Gone to the beach?

I hope you all are relaxing and enjoying your unstructured time. I want to remind you of one more item on your “To Do” list—READ!

Read to learn, to travel, to experience others’ lives.

Read to explore, discover, and question.

Recently, I saw a video from TED Talks on the topic “How Fiction Can Change Reality.” Reading can be a powerful tool for changing this world, hopefully for the good.

So attached here is the link for the Sunshine State Readers. These books can be a jumping-off point- if you like one, there is always another like it that you can also read. These are certainly not the only books to be read this summer, but they are a good starting point. These books can be found in all public libraries, and you may ask for them. Many of them can be read online, too. The apps Hoopla, Libby, and Cloud Library are all apps that can be downloaded on your phone, linked with your library card, and read online. You can check out the book for two weeks and then renew it most of the time for two more weeks.

The books are all different genres. For Paranormal- The Girl in White sounds good. I would pick the first book in a series like Harry Potter, Kelcie Murphy, and The Unbreakable Arts. FAKE takes place in the future with the star protagonist, a hacker, going to school face-to-face for the first time at age 14. And there are more. When you finish one, you can always check on websites, Storygraph, or Good reads for more suggestions like the one you just finished.

When you finish a book, please check out the FORMs—the link is included here and, I think, on the website. If you complete a form after reading a book, you will get PBIS points and an invitation to a party at the beginning of the year.

Here is the link for the titles of the READERS:


Copy of 6-8 2021-22 SSYRA Annotated List (

For the questions, here is the link to the form.

I hope to hear from many of you this summer.

Happy Reading…Keep those great reading scores up, and start next year STRONG!


Mrs. WIerenga