Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

The Pasco County Schools school choice open enrollment (application) period is underway and we’ve received several questions related to “Frozen” schools and special programs.  If you have questions about school choice, please direct them to the district’s Educational Options office,  You also may go to and click on the school choice banner for more information.  Please do not contact principals by phone or on social media; they don’t make decisions about school choice applicants’ acceptance.

The school district reviews each application and takes into consideration available seating, student education plans, and special programs.  A school’s “frozen” status does not prevent families form submitting school choice requests for those schools.  We’ve seen some misleading information on social media about this, and need to set the record straight.  If a student has an individual education plan or an education plan that calls for certain accommodations, like self-contained gifted, the student will receive those accommodations, but there is no guarantee that the services will be provided at the student’s preferred school.  If space is not available, the student could be assigned to another school with that program.  While district transportation is not provided for regular school choice students, all eligible students with the above-described education plans are provided with school district transportation.