Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

We will be hosting the shelter for those impacted by the hurricane beginning on Friday, September 8th. 

Shelter residents may bring essential belongings such as a blanket, change of clothes, small bag of toiletries, water and medications as there will be very limited space.

Current Shelter Openings: Fivay High, Wesley Chapel, Wiregrass High, Sunlake High, and River Ridge Middle/High Schools.

NO pets of any kind will be permitted. No alcohol, weapons or drugs at the shelter at any time. 

The ONLY pet shelter is Wiregrass Ranch and Wesley Chapel is a special needs facility.

We will NOT provide water for residents only through water fountains. Shelter residents are encouraged to bring water for drinking and personal use.