Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at



SAVE THE DATE – You do not want to miss this event! The RRMS PTSA will host a free dinner and Parent Night prior to our winter concert on 12/19! The Dinner will be at 5PM with the presentation from members of the Pasco Sheriff’s Department will begin at 5:45PM, then join us at 7PM for the awesome RRMS Winter Concert in the Theater!  Please RSVP by Sunday, December 17th at this link:

In a “Connected World”, we all have a Cyber Footprint and with that comes dangers we all need to be aware of and ready for.

Here is a sneak peak. (More information will be sent home.)

– Why are children so eager to be “Connected”? What are they doing online & on their devices?

– Trendy & Dangerous Applications- What apps and sites are trending right now and how to keep your child safe.

– Cyber Bullies- How to identify red flags and encourage our learners to speak with an adult.

– Internet Safety for Children- How to navigate their digital footprint safely and when to get help.

– Preventing Crimes of Sexual Predators- Parents- Giving you the truth about this real and very dangerous issue. Learners: This exists and how can they prevent being lured and/ or catfished, trafficked or stalked by a predator.

– Protecting Your Identity Online- Apps, online games and like programs request personal information, which can then be hacked and used for dangerous reasons. What information never to give and how to spot dangerous activity with your information. When to be suspicious: Random text or messages from strangers, someone asking for personal information like school name, address, phone number, age, sex and so on. How to get help.

– Digital Dating Safety- It is happening! Understanding how it happens, what safety precautions can be taken and how to speak to your learner about digital dating.

– Cyber & Mobile Stalking

– Internet & Mobile Pornography and Obscene Material- FREE is Never Free! Free applications, games, downloads and so on frequently save and share your information with advertisers. What to do if you find this material in your child’s history, email, mobile device or computer and how to prevent the content from accessing your child. Learners: What to do you if you find yourself receiving this content.

– Monitoring- Applications and programs that can be used on all devices to help families monitor and manage their learner’s Digital footprint. When and how to step in when you see something suspicious or unsafe.

These are just a few talking points that we are putting together. Join us for this informational night.

See you there!