Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Peer Mentoring

7th & 8th Grade: Royal Squires (M/J Peer Counseling) (.5)

8th Grade: Peers as Partners* (H/S Peer Counseling) (.5)  (High School credit)

Both Peers as Partners and Royal Squires require an application.

Royal Squires (MS Peer Counseling 1 & 2) (.5):   Students help in the main office, counseling office, and media center with running errands and giving welcome tours to new students. These students will be role models for others, exemplify our Knightly Values and can easily follow directions. You must be willing to talk with staff and students you do not know and be familiar with our campus and program offerings. Only two or three students per period will be selected. Applications will be reviewed and final placement will be selected after review with administration.

Peers as Partners (HS Peer Counseling 2) (.5): Students will be peer mentors to assist students to transition to middle school and in intensive classes with tasks such as helping students practice in core classes of Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading and Research with reading, math, social skills, and organization skills. You must be willing to work with students you don’t know and be confident in your abilities to help other students. Students will receive training over the summer. You will earn H/S high school elective credit.

Peer Mentoring Application (7th or 8th grade only) This application should be attached to your course card.