Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

To the River Ridge Community,

We recognize many concerns/requests about the methods of initially providing notice to parents. This has been passed on to District officials as well. Please do note that in a situation such as the one yesterday the primary concern to administration is to be out on campus dealing with what needs to be addressed, and as such there is no time to record and send a phone message. We will continually update via our social media as we can – as will Pasco Schools and the Pasco Sheriff’s Office via their social media. Those without Twitter can see this direct feed live on the home page of our website.

We continue to encourage the community to interact with and share only those updates directly from one of those sources. Many were sharing speculation and untrue rumors, which only escalated a situation. Please do note that, per guidelines, there are times that a detailed reason for a situation cannot be given without compromising an investigation, and we will share as much detail as law enforcement will allow.

Thank you for your support. As always, student safety is always our primary concern.