Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Congratulations to the following students who were selected as Royals of the Month for March!

6 Green-Chloe Irvin & Dylan Roman
6 Purple-Michael Canizio & Abigayle Hynes
6 Yellow-Aimee Haggerty & Wade Whitman
7 Navy– Hunter Mallett & Kayla Rivera
7 Orange-Nicholas Clohessy & Kiera Surrency
7 Red-John Bailey & Joanne Grove
8 Maroon-Tyler Ganoe & Victoria Stauffer-Via
8 Gold-Matthew Harkness & Tiffani Wiegand
8 Teal-Alex Cucchiara & Emma Holt
8 Grey-Zoey Beccaria & Tiffani Wiegand
Royal Blue Team-Darron Brown & Makiyah Hutcheson
Media-Abigail McKone
Spanish-Kenna Hussey & Barry Scott
CTE-Digital Media-Brianna Pastore & Clayton Penick
6th Guidance-Samantha Schorr
7th Grade Guidance-Zachary Foster & Dareen Obagi
8th Grade Guidance-Christopher Schiffiano & Jordan Sheets