Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

The FSA Writes will be administered in the first week of April to all students. This state test will be paper-based for 6th grade and computer-based for 7th and 8th grade.

The State of Florida has designated May as the month for State Testing and End-Of- Course (EOC) exams to be administered to students. We will be administering the following from May 1 to May 25:

  • FSA Reading
  • FSA Math
  • 8th Grade FSSA Science
  • Civics EOCs
  • Algebra EOCs
  • Geometry EOCs
  • District EOCs: ALL electives, US History, 6th & 7th Science

Please make sure your student is in school daily in the month of May as the makeup sessions will be very limited due to time restraints. When scheduling family vacations, please make sure that they are not in the month of May. If you have any questions, contact our Administrator responsible for testing, Mrs. White.

6th Grade Testing Letter

7th Grade Testing Letter

Civics Parent Letter

8th Grade Testing Letter

8th Grade Science Parent Letter