Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, Pasco County Schools is implementing a monthly, two-hour early release schedule. Early release days will be the second Wednesday each month beginning in September 2019, except for January 2020, when it will be on the third Wednesday (9/11, 10/9, 11/13, 12/11, 1/15, 2/12, 3/11, 4/8). There will be no early release days in August or May.

Early release days allow for staff to engage in professional development aligned to student needs and district and school priorities. We are confident that this additional learning time for teachers will increase effective instruction and lead to higher student achievement. Another benefit is that teachers will not have to complete professional development during student class time, thereby decreasing the requirement for substitutes.

Parents with childcare concerns have options provided by our PLACE program, and we will be working with private daycare facilities to develop a list of other choices. Students already enrolled in PLACE programs will be able to stay the extra two hours without additional charges. Current morning-only PLACE students may attend in the afternoon without charge. We are developing a package option for students not currently enrolled in PLACE to attend on early release days, and these students will not be required to pay the registration fee. Parents who have a last-minute need for their children to attend PLACE also may register at any time prior to the early release day that care is needed. The daily drop-in fee and registration fee will apply.

Bus transportation will be provided two hours earlier than usual for students who are transported on regular school days. The same routes and stops will be used. Please watch for more details in future Pasco Parent Press editions, on the district website, and on social media. We also will communicate directly with all families.