Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

We are excited to welcome our students on Monday, August 24th for the first day of the 20-21 school year! It is very important that you review all of the information below to partner with us in an a collective effort for a successful reopening.  Many things are going to look, feel and be different, but we are truly excited to welcome all of our Royal Knights back to the Castle (whether, it’s in a traditional or virtual setting) because…

We Are #BetterTogether!


2020-21 RRMS Back to School Newsletter (July 29, 2020) Link



Due to delay of the start date of school, we have had to adjust our bell schedule. Please see our updated start/end times. There will be NO Early Release Days during 1st semester.  We have also added a 4th lunch in order to better physically distance students at lunches in the cafeteria, courtyards, and media center.  RRMS 20-21 Updated Bell Schedule for Download.


1st Period:  7:30-8:26

2nd Period: 8:30-9:23

3rd Period: 9:27-10:20

“Knight Time” 9:27-9:46

Lunch A 9:50-10:20

4th Period: 10:24-11:17

“Knight Time”: 10:24-10:43

Lunch B 10:47-11:17

5th Period: 11:21-12:14

“Knight Time”: 11:21-11:39

Lunch C: 11:44-12:14

6th Period: 12:18-1:11

“Knight Time”: 12:18-12:36

Lunch D: 12:41-1:11

7th Period: 1:15-2:08


Period 3: “Knight Time” & Lunch A: Hallways: Yellow, Green, 6th Grade Electives

Period 4: “Knight Time” & Lunch B: Hallways: Purple, Navy, Orange

Period 5: “Knight Time” & Lunch C: Hallways: Red, Gold, 7th Grade Electives

Period 6: “Knight Time” & Lunch D: Hallways: Maroon, Teal, 8th Grade Electives

Prior to lunch, students will report to “Knight Time” class for intervention and enrichment time.

Pasco County Schools REOPENING Website Link

Please stay tuned to the Pasco County Schools ReOpening Website. This site is constantly updated by our District with all of the latest information regarding the reopening of schools. CLICK HERE FOR A DIRECT LINK TO THE REOPENING WEBSITE!


It will be important for families to emphasize and model healthy behaviors at home and to talk to their students about changes to expect this school year (social distancing, face coverings, hand hygiene, etc.).

River Ridge Royal Knights remember to STAY SAFE (link) by following on campus health and safety expectations:

  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer
  • Keep a safe distance of at least 6 ft. when interacting with others
  • Cough or sneeze into the crease of the elbow or in a tissue
  • Avoid contact with others
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Stay at home if you are ill

How can families help with these efforts? (link)

  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands
  • Screening your child each day for a temperature or sickness (see screener below)
  • Use your own supplies
  • Bring your own electronic device (laptop, tablet, iPad)
  • Bring personal hand sanitizer
  • Bring a reusable water bottle
  • Wash your masks regularly
  • Sanitize/wash your lunchbox and backpack

Mask Requirement

Our school district requires that all students, staff, and visitors wear masks or face coverings when on a school campus or other school district property in the fall. In this video, Superintendent Browning explains the reasoning behind the decision.

The proposed rule describes what qualifies as a mask or face covering and under what circumstances the mask can be removed. It also describes how the school district will make accommodations for students or staff members who have a medical condition that would prevent them from wearing a mask or face covering.    A summary of the proposed rule can be found here.

Mask Breaks: Teachers will incorporate mask breaks for students. A student may raise their hand and request a break. The teacher will permit the student to step into the empty hallway, within sight of the teacher through the window, and remove their masks for a minute or two.

Daily Screeners

We are counting on parents/guardians to screen your student for illness every morning before you send them off to school. The district will NOT be providing a DAILY health screening for either students or staff.  Link to STUDENT SCREENER located on the RRMS website.

o Fever (greater than 100.4);

o Sore throat;

o New uncontrolled cough, that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/ asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline);

o Diarrhea, vomiting or abdominal pain;

o New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever. ***

o Other symptoms listed by the CDC include chills, fatigue/muscle or body ache, new loss of taste or smell, and congestion or runny nose. Many children have very mild or no signs or symptoms of illness.

o If you still have questions about when to seek emergency medical attention.

Expectations for Picking up Ill Students

If your student becomes ill while at school, you will need to have a plan for timely pick up. The CDC states that in developing plans for placing students with symptoms in an isolation area, schools should be mindful of appropriate safeguards to ensure that students are isolated in a non-threatening manner, within the line of sight of adults, and for very short periods of time.


River Ridge Castle Expectations Video:

Arrival/Dismissal, Hallways/Courtyards, Restrooms, Classrooms, Lunch (The Great Hall), Media Center (Royal Realm), and Front Office/Student Services/Clinic Areas

School safety is a collective responsibility and it will take the efforts of all of our Royal students, staff and families to keep River Ridge clean and safe. Please review the 20-21 RRMS Castle Expectations video to better understand our “new normal” and the procedures that have been put in place to maintain a safe learning environment. We also have developed a Collective Responsibility Plan document and RRMS Student Expectations Plan document to provide additional information and explanation of a student’s day both on mySchool Online and Traditional.