Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

When enrolled in mySchool Online, it is expected that you attend every class period every day (during your scheduled class period) through the Zoom links that your teachers have posted in the announcement section of their course. We also want to remind students that the Zooms are not optional as this is how the teacher takes attendance, class discussions occur and learning is facilitated. Your grades and attendance will still be recorded and managed in myStudent, even though your teachers will be grading your work in myLearning.

During class time, Royal Knights are expected to be ready to learn:

  • Sitting up and a space to work.
  • Zoom account is your student name.*
  • Video feed must be on the entire time, unless otherwise directed.*
  • Follow the school dress code.
  • Be present and participate.
  • Follow the RRMS Classroom Expectations and Knightly Values of Being Respectful, Responsible, and a Problem Solver.
  • *If students do not use their own name or turn on the camera, they will be removed from the Zoom meeting and marked absent.
  • RRMS mySchool Online Updated Expectations 9.15.20