Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Happy New Year, Royal Knights! We look forward to welcoming back our students on Wednesday, January 6th. Check out the Week in Preview and Mrs. Murphy’s Weekly Principal’s Message:

Please make sure that you are completing the self screener every day for COVID symptoms and are following the Stay Safe protocols of wearing a mask (over their mouth and nose), washing/sanitizing their hands, social distancing and keeping their hands, feet and other objects to themselves. Before returning to campus, it is recommended to watch or review the RRMS Stay Safe Protocols and Procedures videos from the beginning of the year to remind everyone of campus safety expectations. The video is located below: 20 21 RRMS Castle Expectations

We have been very fortunate at River Ridge to have had a low number of cases due to the support from our families and the work of our staff and students to follow the safety protocols. Please be mindful of not only actions in the school environment but also out in the community as we want to make sure that we limit the spread and keep everyone healthy and safe.