Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

River Ridge Middle School Parent/Guardians,
We are planning for the upcoming year! Would you be interested in seeing Beyond the Bell fee-based after school program return for the 21-22 school year? The district is trying to gauge interest, please complete the survey for planning purposes. Please complete the survey by June 25th at this link:

We need at least 50 students per week to take part in the program in order for it to return to RRMS for this upcoming school year.  The program would run from 2PM to 6PM. Students in the program recieve snacks, homework help by certified teachers, enrichment activities, and much more. If a student participates in after school clubs or sports, they may also use Beyond the Bell for after hours care until parent pick up is available.

Please contact Mary Grey, Director of After School Programs for Pasco County Schools, at Phone: (813) 794-2180  or by Email:, if you have any questions or need more information.

Thank you,

Angie Murphy