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RRMS FAME Academy Showcase Student Spotlight: Theatre
Theatre Director, Mr. Grosso recognizes… Vincent Knox
Vincent Knox is an 8th grader at River Ridge Middle School and a member of Thespian Troupe 88135. Vincent is newer to competitive theatrical performance, but has already shown great promise in his hard work and dedication to the craft. Vincent always comes in with a positive and “ready to work” attitude. He did not identify as a dancer when he walked in this year, but is currently a dancing maniac in our large group musical “Transylvania Mania” from Young Frankenstein. He can also be seen as Tybalt in our Thespian Competition one act play All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Being in a Bad Play. Vincent is a strong actor who enjoys finding out what makes a character tick, he is also always willing to try different areas of theatre and has found out that he likes things he didn’t know he liked before!