Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

District Finals will be administered the week of December 13-17 at RRMS. These assessments are given to students in semester elective courses and count as 10% of their grades. The assessments will be given in the classrooms.
Monday, December 13th:
PE – Koos
Tuesday, December 14th:
PE – Brando
Coding – Loeffler
Wednesday, December 15th:
Health – T. Adams
Intro to A/V – Darling
Thursday, December 16th:
Art 2-D – Lightbody
Art 3-D – Berberich
Guitar, Intro to Theater, and Intro to Dance will be teacher provided and will be administered through the week.