Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

RRMS PTSA will be hosting the annual Spring Royal Dodgathon Dodgeball Pledge Drive Fundraiser. Students and Families are encouraged to send friends, family, etc. the pledge drive link to raise funds for school technology. Donations can be collected via the fundraiser website at or using this form sent home on March 24th prior to the ROYAL DODGATHON.

Students who raise $25 will be eligible to participate in the Royal Dodgathon event on Thursday, April 14, 2022 during the last two class periods to play dodgeball in a safe and fun environment! Students can also purchase wristbands for $10 to be spectators. For every $25 you raise, you receive an entry to our raffle prizes, including themed gift baskets, gift cards and a $100 cash prize!  Raise $100+ and play in a special “teacher” arena!

Pledge forms went home today in 1st period or go to the online 99 Pledges site!

Check out the introductory video: