Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

The following letter was sent home with 8th grade students and mailed home to families. Please check out all of the important end of year activities.

8th Grade End of Year Letter_2022

There will be a $25 8th Grade End of Year Activities participation fee, which will include admission to the 8th Grade Picnic and Dance. Payment can be made to the front office, Ms. Cione, Bookkeeper, or online through the Rycor system on the RRMS website. Some people have already made payments so please check Rycor.  Students will need a signed parent permission form to go on the waterslides, wrecking ball, and obstacle course at the picnic.  Tickets for the 8th Grade Dance and Picnic will not be available on the day of the event.