Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

All students going into 7th Grade must have a Tdap shot before they can start school in August. Emails were sent through myStudent for those incoming 7th grade students who DO NOT have a Tdap immunization on file.
If your child has already received the Tdap booster, you may turn in your student’s shot record to the clinic or front office at any time or be sure to bring the updated shot record with you to registration day in August. If your student still needs the Tdap booster, make plans to get the shot now, or over the summer, and bring the shot record to registration day. You can also email the copy to Adrienne Zampella to be entered at It is also a good idea to keep a copy in your records.
Please note, the Tdap shot is different from the Td shot. If your child receives the Td shot, that is not in compliance with Florida immunization requirements and they will need to receive the Tdap shot as well before beginning school.
If we do not have this information on file, and you do not bring it to the school on registration day in August, your student will not be allowed to receive their schedule. They will also not be allowed to start school until their updated shot record is on file. Any days missed due to lack of immunization will be considered an unexcused absence. Please remember, these immunizations are not just a good idea – they are required by Florida law.
If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Leah Janssens at