Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Become an RRMS Thespian!

Caught in the Web Poster – Fall Play

Welcome back to another year, it is sure to be DRAMATIC as the RRMS Theatre Department is excited to announce some amazing opportunities right around the corner. Our Fall Play this year will be an exciting comedy- Caught in the Web tells the story of Derek and Sarah who get lost in the internet and have to find a way home. Auditions will take place next week, Wednesday, August 17th after school. You can sign up for an audition slot by scanning the QR code on the poster above or clicking this link

Also at these auditions, Mr. Grosso will be looking to put together various performance and technical theatre pieces for District Thespian Competition where students compete in areas of acting, singing, dance, and design to move on to the State Competition in January.

If you are auditioning for the Fall Play ONLY, please prepare a comedic monologue (or a long speech by one person) that is no longer than 1 minute in length. If you are auditioning for Thespians AND the Fall Play and only wish to act- this one monologue will be sufficient. If you would like to be considered for singing and dancing pieces in Thespians as well, you must prepare a song (either from a musical or Disney movie) around 30 seconds in length, bring a karaoke track or YouTube link to sing with, and attend a dance call. If you are ONLY interested in technical theatre or behind the scenes please visit Mr. Grosso separately. More information about the audition requirements will be given out at the parent meeting (see below).

Those wishing to audition for either the Fall Play or Thespians MUST attend a MANDATORY parent/guardian meeting via Zoom on Monday, August 15th at 530 PM. Lots of information will be given about what to prepare, what the process looks like, and much more. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Break a leg!