Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Dear Parent or Guardian,

River Ridge Middle School is partnering with the USF College of Education to support our students. Specifically, we will be examining how multiple sources of information can help improve the accuracy and effectiveness of universal screening for our students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs. We are committed to providing the supports students need to flourish, both in the classroom and throughout their lives.

To do so, we will be using the SAEBRS universal screening tool through the FastBridge online system. This tool includes 19 items, is typically completed within one minute, and asks how often certain behaviors are displayed during the previous month (e.g., Cooperation with Peers, Distractedness, Positive Attitude).

For each student, two educators will be completing the SAEBRS. In addition, all students will be asked to complete the tool on a computer during the student’s scheduled Knight Time. This tool typically takes students less than 60 seconds to complete, and they will not miss any instruction time. If your child at any time does not want to participate, they will have the ability to do so. At the end of each school year, River Ridge Middle School may provide de-identified data to our USF partners. The de-identified data may include demographic data, attendance, academic performance data, behavioral data (i.e., suspensions, expulsions, office discipline referrals), and referrals for special education. The data collected may help us better understand how to use multiple sources of data to support student needs.

If you would like any additional information, please contact your child’s grade level counselor. If you do not want your child to participate, complete the bottom of the form and return to the front office by Monday, October 24, 2022. Your child’s participation is completely voluntary.

Opt Out Letter for Download


Angie Murphy
