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Fine Arts & Music Entertainment (FAME) Academy at River Ridge



Semester 1 2021  FAME Newsletter

What is FAME?

The FAME Academy at RRMS allows students to have access to a comprehensive visual and performing arts coursework including visual and digital arts, photography, dance and choreography, theatre, vocal, instrumental (orchestra, percussion, and brass, etc.), and general music. In addition to the diverse curriculum offerings, teachers and students will have the opportunity to utilize the River Ridge Center for the Arts and the Black Box Theatre to provide professional real-world experiences in the fine and performing arts.

FAME Staff Members

Angie Murphy, Principal

Danielle White, Assistant Principal

Joseph Grosso, Director of Middle School Theatre

Travis Henry, Director of Middle School Music

Lynn Vairo, Director of Middle School Dance

Rachel Lightbody, Visual Arts and Creative Photography

Nicole Berberich, Visual Arts 2D and 3D

FAME Fridays – I Live for the FAME!

RRMS is proud to introduce our new FAME Academy T-shirts, pre-order is preferred but a limited amount will be available for sale at the Art Showcase! Get your FAME t-shirts for $12 on Rycor. Represent your artistic talents as a part of the FAME Academy!

Students are encouraged to wear the FAME shirts on Fridays as we celebrate the arts and our Royal talent at RRMS!

FAME Showcase Artist Spotlight

October 2021

November 2021