River Ridge Middle School
11646 Town Center Road • New Port Richey, FL 34654 • Phone: (727) 774-7000 • Fax: (727) 774-7290Home of the Royal Knights!
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Find quick reference guides on school policies, safety protocols, and campus-wide expectations, etc.
Information about new student registration at RRMS
Stay updated on what is happening at RRMS each week.
3/27 RRMS Skate Night @ Spin Nations 6PM-8PM
Buy tickets online at https://www.spinnationsskate.com/event-details/river-ridge-middle-skate-night-6-8pm-4 or at the door! Open to all River Ridge Families!
3/28-3/29 RRMS Theatre Dept. presents Mean Girls Jr. – Tickets on Sale on GoFan.co!
ATTENTION 6th and 7thGraders… Apply online to NJHS by 3/28!
Complete the application at the link: https://rrms.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=154799
RRMS Theater Summer Camp – Cast Your Vote!
What show do you want to do? Vote for your favorite musical for the RRMS Theater Summer Camp at this link!
BEST Writing Parent Letter
The BEST Writing Assessment will be administered on Monday, March 31st for Grades 6 and 8 and on Wednesday, April 2nd for Grade 7. BEST Writing Parent Letter_2025
2/25 Talent Show Video
2/28 RRMHS FAME Showcase 5:30PM
Purchase your tickets on GoFan.co at https://gofan.co/event/3281693?schoolId=FL78402.
Club Picture Days
2/11 Talent Show Auditions
If you are interested in auditioning for the Talent Show on 2/25, please attend the auditions on Tuesday, February 11th in the Media Center after school! Please see Mrs. Brissey for more information.
25-26 RRMS Course Selection Process
On 1/31 and 2/3, students viewed the 25-26 Electives video to explore all of the new options at RRMS for the upcoming year. https://youtu.be/y8RSn0f86XI Curriculum Night for incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will be on February 12th from 6PM-7:30PM. 6th Grade...