River Ridge Middle School
11646 Town Center Road • New Port Richey, FL 34654 • Phone: (727) 774-7000 • Fax: (727) 774-7290Home of the Royal Knights!
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Use our online form to report a student absence.
Find quick reference guides on school policies, safety protocols, and campus-wide expectations, etc.
Information about new student registration at RRMS
Stay updated on what is happening at RRMS each week.
10/13 Royal Skate Night @ Spinnations 6:30PM-8:30PM
Tickets can be purchased at this link: https://www.spinnationsskate.com/event-details/river-ridge-middle-school-fundraiser-skate-6-30-8-30pm. There will be concessions and a game room with games available for additional purchases.
9/23 River Ridge Community Night
We will host a River Ridge Community Night on September 23 at the home RRHS football game at 7:30PM. All volleyball and football players will be recognized with the band, cheer team and dance team performing with the high school.
9/19-9/23 Start with Hello Week
RRMS will celebrate Start with Hello week September 19-23 with dress up days, acts of kindness, and a new student social to promote belonging, inclusiveness and our Royal Culture of Caring!
9/14-9/27: STEP IT UP for RIVER RIDGE Donation Drive
We are SO excited to invite all of you to participate in our Step It UP! Program! We need your help to raise money for: Student and Teacher Resources, Student and Staff Recognition. In addition to new technology, curriculum enhancements, and innovative learning...
10/7 Flu Vaccines Available with Permission Form
On Tuesday October 7th Health Heroes will be on campus administering Flu Vaccines. If you would like your student to receive a Flu Vaccine, please fill out the consent attached and return it to the clinic or to ljanssen@pasco.k12.fl.us. They were also send out in 1st...
9/14 Royal Dine Out Day/Night @ Panda Express – Support RRMS!
Fall Casting Lists for Thespians and Fall Play
Congratulations to all of the students who auditioned for the RRMS Theatre Department's Fall Productions and Thespians. CASTING FALL EVENTS 2022 RRMS
9/1 School Picture Day through ELA Classes
School Pictures can be ordered online through Gigante Productions at the information on the flyer below.
FAME Applications due Monday, August 30th
Apply today for the Fine Arts Music Entertainment Academy... students must be in a Fine or Performing Arts course. Applications are due by Monday, August 30th.
8/25, 8/26: Student Council Election
RRMS Student Council Elections today and tomorrow… scan the QR Code to vote for Executive Board and your grade level officers! #royalleaders