River Ridge Middle School
11646 Town Center Road • New Port Richey, FL 34654 • Phone: (727) 774-7000 • Fax: (727) 774-7290Home of the Royal Knights!
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Information about new student registration at RRMS
Stay updated on what is happening at RRMS each week.
New start time as of 1/3/23 due to hurricane lost instructional time
After the loss of four (4) days of instructional time due to Hurricane Ian, the District was forced to utilize all the scheduling cushion that was built in the 2022-2023 student calendar. We also needed to schedule two (2) student make-up days (Tuesday, January 3,...
12/7 Early Release Day/Enrichment Activity Day
12/7 Royal Dine Out Night at Panera Bread in Trinity 4PM-8PM
12/13 FAME Winter Art & Design Showcase & Music Concert
Community is welcome to this amazing celebration of our RRMS FAME students' Royal talent!
Interest in traveling to Costa Rica in Spring 2024… Info Meeting on 12/6
Interested in traveling to Costa Rica in Spring of 2024… attend the informational meeting with Mrs. Wierenga on Tuesday, December 6th at 6PM in the RRMS Media Center. Please RSVP at the QR Code below or contact Mrs. Wierenga at hwiereng@pasco.k12.fl.us.
12/5 RRMS General PTSA Meeting at 6:30PM in Media
11/28-12/9 Royal Holiday Food Drive
We will be hosting a holiday food drive for our River Ridge families 11/28-12/9. Please turn in the items to your Knight Time class or the front office. We will be counting the items and each Knight Time will get 1 point per item. The top 3 Knight Time classes will...
Holiday Cheer Request for RRMS Teachers and Staff
Click the link here to sign up to celebrate our RRMS Teachers and Staff: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e084dada82dabff2-christmas2 Once again, we are hoping to make the holiday season a little brighter for our amazing teachers and staff! Each year we like to take...
RRMS A Season of Kindness – Student Activity Calendar
RRMS A Season of Kindness - December Student Activity Calendar is coming! We have several fun, community-building events planned for December to spread our #royalcultureofcaring! We will be taking holiday card and candy cane donations from families for student...
11/14 Pasco Pathways Expo @ RRMHS 5PM-8PM in the Gym
Come learn about all the innovative school choice options in Pasco County Schools including those at RRMS! We are excited to highlight our award-winning FAME (Fine Arts Music Entertainment) Academy and CAPE-certified Engineering Academy! FAME: Dance, Theatre...