River Ridge Middle School

11646 Town Center Road • New Port Richey, FL 34654 • Phone: (727) 774-7000 • Fax: (727) 774-7290


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Use our online form to report a student absence.


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Information about new student registration at RRMS 


Stay updated on what is happening at RRMS each week.

11/28-12/9 Royal Holiday Food Drive

We will be hosting a holiday food drive for our River Ridge families 11/28-12/9. Please turn in the items to your Knight Time class or the front office. We will be counting the items and each Knight Time will get 1 point per item. The top 3 Knight Time classes will...

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Holiday Cheer Request for RRMS Teachers and Staff

Click the link here to sign up to celebrate our RRMS Teachers and Staff: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e084dada82dabff2-christmas2 Once again, we are hoping to make the holiday season a little brighter for our amazing teachers and staff! Each year we like to take...

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RRMS A Season of Kindness – Student Activity Calendar

RRMS A Season of Kindness - December Student Activity Calendar is coming! We have several fun, community-building events planned for December to spread our #royalcultureofcaring! We will be taking holiday card and candy cane donations from families for student...

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11/14 Pasco Pathways Expo @ RRMHS 5PM-8PM in the Gym

Come learn about all the innovative school choice options in Pasco County Schools including those at RRMS! We are excited to highlight our award-winning FAME (Fine Arts Music Entertainment) Academy and CAPE-certified Engineering Academy! FAME: Dance, Theatre...

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RRMS Events Calendar